Monday, February 06, 2012

POST #47

Sapu sapu lantai ! so many dust here (Y) oh well, today is Chap Goh Mei la, means the last day of #cny erm, and this day i stay at house like nothing la. like normal :)

And this what every Chinese people done it, see...
this called as 立春 :) and those eggs will be able to stand, awesome right? haha.

and also that day is BEAST BEAUTIFUL SHOW ! but it's at @Seoul, Korea (!!) argh, i wish i could went there but it is impossible la. but than all Malaysia BEAUTY, keep on tweeting on twitter #BeautifulShowInMsia #BeautifulShowInMsia #BeautifulShowInMsia #BeautifulShowInMsia #BeautifulShowInMsia , so am i :)
And watch, FINALLY our BEAST GREY SEA ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

ohya, Genting Higlands got Doraemon World wey, i want to go there but parents are busy on work. if i went with my friends, sure parents wont allow la, so i just watched those people happy enjoying there and i was like a big fool sitting all day long at house with dust :/

ohyeah, yesterday went to @Chatime Sri Petaling with a gang of friends. we yam cha almost 4 hours there, you know what? we craps so much. i dont want to mention who the gang i went with because i will make several people misunderstanding on it, so, sorry :)

alright, that's all i want to say, i think.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Long lost post #2

I had been long time did not update my blog, so i just write down what i've remembered :)

January, hmmm... school started ! We all should separate to other classes, so... yeah. Firstly, the class i had separate in was FULL OF MALAYS students, i dont like :/ so, i asked for permission to change to another classes. And, its success :) i really thank you so much to that teacher :) and luckly that teacher was not a Malay :/ seriously.

So now my class was 4A7, that class was quite good and friends there was so nice and awesome :D i love you guys, okay? Sat with WaiLing, ZiYing and also Rynn. We were like sakai and talking so much craps and also we study together as well la :) oh yeah (Y) i'm currently a BANANA nao, know what's my BANANA means? know, good than :D

okay, skip skip skip.. and my perfect's tie had changed ! did you know thats totally extremely super UGLY? I'm seriously in talking, that's OVER UGLY ! #ohmygod i jip sao mm dou O___O

#CNY #CNY #CNY !!! 23.1.2012

no taking any photos on CNY seriously, because i'm lazy, kay you know :P so, i'm happy to receive angpaus. and so on and so on. And every year a singer which name Rickman came my house, he dye his hair into gold colour AGAIN, looks weird on it, sorry to say that.

Ate sooo much la me, nanti jadi fei poh :( aiya, fine la CNY just one year one time, so eat as much as i can and keep fit after this lo, right? :D Than, day 3 until day 5 went to Tanjung Sepat and also Morib, 3 days 2 nights. BAM TSUNAMI, i cant sleep well and been kick by my crazy cousin and end up i slept in the living room. COLD until want my heart ! @@

bla blah blahh, lazy to type much. the weather, SOOOO HOT ! Sun burnt, and i'm becoming darker and darker ! #ohmygod i dont want. than than than, day 5 went to I-city too :P I can said that, its soooooooo freakkkkkinnngggg COLD inside, and i had freeze inside there, we went in went out for already 5 times. Although that place is quite small but its really nice inside :) and much more extremely things i'm lazy to type, so sign off.

i wish my form 4 life would be awesome as i expect :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Holidays #2

朋友们都问我: 假期怎样啊? 我回答: 就这样咯, 天天在家里反复做同样的事情, 你说无聊不无聊? 而且, 关在家里的感受好难受啊 ~ 夭壽啊 ~

1。要出街, 父母问长问短的。这是难免的。2。玩电脑玩到睡着去。3。看戏, 看视频, 看漫画, 杂志, 小说, 看到我差点撞墙而且也看到困。 :/ 4。下雨天, 搞砸了我所按排好的活动。

有的人假期很充实, 有的人假期很无聊。有的人出国旅行, 有的人关在家里。有的人...有的人... 有时我还蛮羡慕那些能天天出街, 即时不能每天, 可是偶尔这样, 都蛮好的 :)

不说假期, 我的假期实在是太....过无聊了。说来没用 :)

成绩出炉, 真的出炉。珍珠那么真... -____- 其实我天天都在想, 我的成绩应该还好吧, 即时没有哪个也有那个吧? 这可算是我, 想太多吧??

在成绩出炉的前一两三四天, 我都快疯了。既然紧张到睡不着, 天天在那边熬夜看戏或看视频的都可以。总而言之, 我满脑子都是那几个东西就对了。很烦就对了....
到了我们中三的死期, 有人开心有人伤心, 有人兴奋有人痛苦, 各种感受... 至于我.... :(

有人拿的是他们想要的成绩和目标, 而我是完.全.相.反.的。:( 我的脑袋除了哭还是哭, 可是哭了有什么用? 哭了可以解决问题吗? 那时的我, 简直像行尸走肉那样。
爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶, 姑姑都安慰我了, 也不管用。那时候, 妈妈告诉我:

女儿, 尽了力就好了啊。为什么要求那么多? 为什么要给你自己那么多压力呢? 事实已经摆在你面前了就面对它吧, 即时不能快快接受也可以慢慢地去接受啊.. 过了就过了, 成绩已经定局了。不要想那么多, 这次不可以下一次再接再厉啊。

我看我妈对我也有点失望, 心灰意冷的感觉吧? 她没责骂我还反过来安慰我... 我觉得自己很失败很惭愧... 总之满脑都是为什么? 为什么?? 为什么??!
算了, 不要再说了, 再说也没用, 因为这是事实, 而且还摆在我的面前了, 怎样也改不了的事实啊。

那天也是冬至节, 大家快快乐乐咯 :D

然后很快的, 圣诞节就这样来到啦, 有的人去倒数, 而我在家与我的电脑, 手机和电视机渡过... 就这样, 就这样咯。一个礼物都没收到到, yan wonggg. 又是算了, 我没那么幸运...

约你们一个两个, 你们就和我说看下先啦。每次都是那样, 难道和你们见个面都那么鬼屁难吗? -,- 不然就拖拖拖拖到那目久去, 好无奈 A_____A 我心想; 若你们真的有心要约我的话, 早都约了我, 不用等那么久才这样行动。难道要我每次开口吗? 不要说了, 越说越火 :/

你; 是否可以不要再这样? 这样我真的很难受....

就不能像以前那样吗? 难道你不能原谅吗? 你就是要那么记仇吗?

这可是我写了又擦, 擦了又写的东西。我不希望我看到你对我那副处处针对的样子... :(

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Holidays #1

1119 THOMAS JACK SHOWCASE :) *winks* 最最喜欢東于哲音乐会!

Meet up my MG ( Miracles Group ) friends. I had been long time didn't wore this offical T-shirt to attend their activities :/ But i felt so sad, when i meet up my 'char kuey teow' and 'chou ya dan' they can't recongize me, #ohmygod
Okay, back to topic. When the time we needed to go in the hall, we just ran towards dont care about the workers to check for our tickets. Haha, so liar! :P

Firstly, one QUITE handsome DJ played some pop songs, wow we quite HYPER! Than, ofcourse their perform, i kept on shouting: " 小东 x 10000 , 阿哲 x10000 ! " BUAHAHAHAHA, i was like *can't distribe my feeling* both of them touch my hands, #shit i want to faint, haha, thats normal for me. But, i wasn't happy because of something, it's really... :/okay fine. Thats over :)

In the end, i had losta fun la, thanks everyone there :) wait! on that day, i standed quite close with the stage, and when both of them singing, they kept put electric to me, especially Jack ! But than, hopefully Thomas also got :) Okay, thanks a lots for everything.

not mine, is my good friend @Melody Maechel :) she borrowed me.

1124 & 1126 !

1124, went @Sunway Pyramid with my aunt. I bought so much clothes there, and also there got so much discount, WOOOTS! Shopholic (Y) drank ma favourite Chatime :P and dinner at opposite Sunway, @Yuan Shabu Shabu *i think so, i cant remember well the restaurant* ohya, my aunt said if you wanna to eat BBQ chicken wings, you must be fast either else it so fast finished and you should it for so long. I snatched the chicken wings like a crazy peeps, but i spoke truth, the chicken wings was so damn nice! :D

1126, again i went there with my mum and two cousin. and also bought lots of clothes, but i saw a shirt quite nice at @F Block, but i didn't bought it :/ *regret* ate Moo Cow Yogurt, hmmm not bad. But i would like to try others flavour. and and so on...

1129 M.A.M.A ! @Singapore Indoor Stadium

Okay, i almost went there but damn my Singapore trip changed date #lol or else i can get in there and meet up my BELOVED one, BEAST (!!!!) err, and also KPOP artist la. It's make me felt so awful and more when i saw it on TV, especially those who were there, wow damn hyper hyper HYPER ! HyunSeung & Hyun-A, erherm they kissed for 4 seconds i think (?) -___-

BEAST !!! 2NE1 !!!! SUPER JUNIOR !!! SNSD !!! & MOREEE.. gah. #KPOP fans put your hands up ! :D

" You are my apple of my eyes " O__________O the guy 柯震東, dang darn handsome, cute and awesome. I had attracted by him (-3-)V 柯震東, 就请让我继续喜欢你吧! XD

alright, i will be update more about my "awesome" holidays, stay tuned :D